
Google Insights: New SEO Tool

Trust Google to come up with something new and useful for countless users all around the world. We have talked about the Google Keyword Tool and Google Alerts in previous posts. This time, they launched a new tool called Google Insights.

So what is new about this tool? Computer World reports:

Google Inc. yesterday rolled out a new tool that it said can help marketing and advertising users better analyze Internet search patterns, while also adding new tools such as a “heat map” for graphically displaying search volumes and other data.

Google Insights for Search is an extension of the updated Google Trends tool that the company launched in June. Like Google Trends, the Insights software lets users type in search terms and then see search volume patterns over time as well as the top related and rising searches, Google said in a blog post. But it added that with the new tool, users also can compare volume trends across multiple search terms, vertical industry categories, geographic regions and time ranges.

Insights for Search is designed to be used by advertisers, small business owners, academics and others, Google said, noting that it provides added “flexibility and functionality for advertisers and marketers to understand search behavior.”

So basically, if you are looking for more specific information on what people are searching for online, you can make use of Google Insights. The added details that users can input make this tool very useful. In addition to this, the graphical user interface can also make the tool easier for those who are more visually inclined.

SEO Tools

SEO Tools

Here you will find a collection of tools that I have found to be of great use. These tools can help you know if your SEO work is yielding any positive results. The use of good tools can make website optimization a much more satisfying hobby. If you find a good tool that is not covered in this list, let me know and I may add it.

There are many tools out on the web for SEO, but the following are ones that I personally find the most useful.

Following Free SEO Tools are available for use:

  1. Website Appraiser (Smart PageRank)
  2. Google PageRank Prediction Tool
  3. BackLink Checker
  4. Rank Checker
  5. Link Popularity Check
  6. PageRank Checker
  7. Website Speed Test
  8. Spider View of your Website
  9. Reverse IP/Look-up
  10. Link Extractor
  11. Keyword Suggestion
  12. Multi-Rank Checker

Organizing a Blog Post


Organizing a Blog Post

25.07.2008 Author: David Peralty In: Blogging, Tips, Writing

So many people have a hard time hashing out blog posts in a consistent and efficient manner, and so I wanted to take a minute to talk a bit more about my own system which I have found can decrease the time between starting a post and publishing it.

The Idea

The first part of posting is to come up with ideas. I sometimes find it necessary to just start writing down words related to my industry and working outwards from there. After coming up with a few different ideas, I bring certain main points together as a single post and I have a fully conceptualized idea.

It can also help to see what other people are writing about. Do you have an opinion? Look back and see what was interesting to people a year ago, two years ago. Have things changed or are they still the same? Some of my favourite posts by authors are the ones where they compare/contrast two different products or two different time periods.

The Questions

Everyone knows about who, what, where, when, why and how, and these questions are infinitely more important when getting ready to post on a blog. They are especially useful when you don’t know everything, and can come up with things you’ll want to research to include in the post.

For example, if you are doing an article about a car company you could easily add information about who designed their main cars? When did they perform the best? How well has the public received their cars? Why are they producing cars with bigger engines than another company? What do you see them dealing with over the next few years?

The Research

Don’t take too much time researching, or you can get bogged down in what others have said. For longer articles, you shouldn’t be spending more than an hour researching for a post. This can be one of the longest time sinks in creating an article. Don’t spend time writing the post as you research, or you can get sidetracked, and unable to create proper flow in your article.

For any niche you should be able to, over a period of time, pick out a few resources that are consistently useful for research, and that will save you massive amounts of time. Try not to stray from these main resources too often, unless you aren’t finding the answers you need. Too much variety, and you can land into information overload world, where nothing productive ever happens.

The Post

The amount of time you need to write an article always depends on its length, but now that you’ve come up with an idea, answered some questions, and completed your research, the words should flow from you. Don’t worry about what you are writing, as you can come back after you are done and edit. The hardest thing I ever learned was not to self edit as I was writing.

As paragraphs are written, your mind will come up with other things to say, and usually, if you are properly prepared, the article will flow together nicely.

You should easily be able to tell how long your article is going to be by this point, and don’t try to push it too far beyond that point, or you’ll find yourself adding useless filler. Brevity can be just as important as details, but with the attention span of most people dwindling, shorter is most likely better.

The Call to Action

After you have written, and edited the post, I always suggest going back and adding in a call to action. It might be a question at the end of the post, links to further reading, or just a simple request to have people comment. You are much more likely to have people act upon what they read, if you ask them to.

I enjoy asking people to comment. I want them to know that I’d love to see them participate if they have any thoughts on what I’ve written. Some bloggers put in affiliate links, strange questions, or a list of other articles they have written along the same lines. These can all be important to increasing the longevity of an article online.

The Pretty Additions

Now you are ready to add in links, images, proper text formatting of headings and whatnot. This doesn’t have to be perfect, but it will add some pizazz to your article. Don’t give it too much time. You can edit articles after they have been published, but no one can see the content until it is published. Far too many people play with formatting for so long that the information that they wanted to share becomes stale.

I take the time to set proper headings, bold certain lines of text, italicize what I think would work best, work on the coding for my lists, and insert block quotes at this point.

The Publishing and Promotion

Once everything else is complete, publish. Your articles don’t do you any good unpublished. Get them out into the world. Feel free to edit them after the fact, or to write whole new articles giving more details, or adding onto your original points.

Don’t forget to let the world know about what you’ve written. Don’t be shy. People are hungry for new content, new ideas, and new perspectives, so find a way to get your work to them. The best thing a writer can receive is constructive criticism on how to improve, so open yourself up to that.


If you are trying to merge all of these steps into one, you might find your articles taking forever to craft and it is fairly easy to see why. There are so many areas between crafting the idea and publishing that breaking it down is really the only way to remain consistent and efficient.

Best Web Site Optimization Forums

One of the things that I like best about the Internet is how easy it is
to exchange information with other people. One of the most informative
and interactive ways to do so is by becoming involved in various forums.
In terms of search engine optimization, there are countless forums out
there from which any person can glean tons of useful information. At the
same time, you can also share your own experiences and tips. But if you
are new to these things, which forum do you go to? About.com came up
with a list of the best forums
out there which focus on web site optimization. Let's pay some of them a

/*Web Site Optimization Forum #1: High Rankings
HighRankings.com is a forum put together by Jill Whalen, one of the
shining stars in the Web site optimization world. I like this forum
because of the variety of people that contribute, the discussions are
informative and friendly, and all skill levels are encouraged to

High Rankings is at the top of their list. I paid this site a visit and
was impressed at the activity of its members. By the way, there are more
topics than SEO. I think I shall spend more time browsing through their

/*Web Site Optimization Forum #2: Search Engine Watch
SearchEngineWatch.com is one of the best places on the Web to get
information about search, search engine technology, search engine news,
search engine optimization, etc., and their forums are much the same.
Danny Sullivan is one of the moderators of these forums, and I always
learn something new every time I drop in. Lots of great discussions
about anything from algorithms to Yahoo./

What I like about this site is how the topics are arranged. I find it
very organized and easy to navigate, thus I spend less time trying to
find something that is relevant to me.

Best Web Site Optimization Forums (Part 2)

During hard economic times
– like the one we are in right now – many things are cut off from
people's budgets. Personal expenses are drastically cut down. Business
expenses are not exempt as well. Somehow, people find ways and means by
which to lessen spending in order to weather the financial storm.
Peripheral spending and nonessential expenses are usually the first to go.

If you are thinking of cutting off your SEO expenses because of the
credit crunch, you might want to think again. Ephipany Solutions
explains the situation

Firms should not cut back on search engine optimisation (SEO)
spending because of the credit crunch, it has been argued.

Daniel Robinson of Vizcom Design Limited suggested that SEO
strategies can play an important part in the success of a business
and claimed that such marketing strategies can help firms to stand
out in the marketplace.

Indeed, this is particularly imperative during times of economic
difficulty, he remarked.

The spokesman said: "Marketing and SEO can be key to helping some
businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors during
a recession and win vital work to keep them going or even grow."

I see the sense in what he is saying. There are peripherals that may not
help you keep afloat but SEO just might do the trick in these hard times.

Daftar Swift Code Bank Indonesia

Daftar Swift Code Bank Indonesia
January 26, 2008 – 11:55 am

Maaf nih bagi yang sudah sering ngeliat swift code beredaran di web site
atau pun blog. Berhubunga ini adalah blog, maka boleh dong saya menulis
ini utk catatan barangkali saya butuhkan. Berikut Daftar Swift Code
tersebut :

Swift Code bank di Indonesia

* Hagabank: HAGAIDJA
* Bank Artha Graha: ARTGIDJA
* Bank Bumiputera Indonesia: BUMIIDJA
* Bank Bumi Arta Indonesia: BBAIIDJA
* Bank Buana Indonesia: BBIJIDJA
* Bank Danamon: BDINIDJA
* Bank Mandiri (not Bank Syariah Mandiri): BEIIIDJA
* Bangkok Bank: BKKBIDJA
* Bank Niaga: BNIAIDJA
* Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI): BNINIDJA
* Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia: BNPAIDJA
* Bank Resona Perdania: BPIAIDJA
* Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI): BRINIDJA
* Bank Bukopin: BBUKIDJA
* Bank Central Asia (BCA): CENAIDJA
* Deutsche Bank AG: DEUTIDJA
* Bank Mizuho Indonesia: MHCCIDJA
* Hongkong and Shanghai Banking (HSBC): HSBCIDJA
* Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII): IBBKIDJA
* Bank Indonesia: INDOIDJA
* Lippobank: LIPBIDJA
* Pan Indonesia Bank: PINBIDJA
* Bank Rabobank International Indonesia: RABOIDJA
* Bank UFJ Indonesia (formerly Bank Sanwa Indonesia): SAINIDJA
* Bank Swadesi: SWBAIDJA
* Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN): BTANIDJA
* Bank UOB Indonesia: UOBBIDJA
* Bank Permata: BBBAIDJA
* Bank Maybank Indocorp: MBBEIDJA
* Bank Chinatrust Indonesia: CTCBIDJA
* Woori Bank Indonesia: HVBKIDJA
* Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia: SUNIIDJA
* Bank Finconesia: FINBIDJA
* Bank OCBC Indonesia: OCBCIDJA
* Bank Kesawan: AWANIDJA
* Bank Commonwealth: BICNIDJA
* Bank Ekonomi Raharja: EKONIDJA
* Bank DBS Indonesia: DBSBIDJA
* Bank CIC International (formerly Bank Century Intervest Corp): CICTIDJA
* Bank Ekspor Indonesia: BEXIIDJA
* Bank Mega: MEGAIDJA
* Bank of China, Jakarta Branch: BKCHIDJA
* Bank Syariah Mandiri (not Bank Mandiri): BSMDIDJA

Sumber, dari mas priyadi.net


10 Tips For Successful Public Speaking

Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you care about
doing well. But, too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here's how you can control your
nervousness and make effective, memorable presentations:

1. Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk
around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

2. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It's easier to speak to a
group of friends than to a group of strangers.

3. Know your material. If you're not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it,
your nervousness will increase. Practice your speech and revise it if necessary.

4. Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises.

5. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud,
clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

6. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting,
stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

7. Don't apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you
think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience's attention to
something they hadn't noticed. Keep silent.

8. Concentrate on the message -- not the medium. Focus your attention away from your
own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your
nervousness will dissipate

9. Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it
into vitality and enthusiasm.

10. Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking.
A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need.