‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Information. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Important Information on Credit Scoring and its Effects to You

How do credit bureaus compute one’s credit scores?

A lot of credit reporting bureaus or agencies gathers information on the subject of the debtor’s credit history or files from reliable private and public sources. They also collect data from the creditors who extended the loan to the debtor.

Accordingly, the information is clustered into five sets or categories with the corresponding percentages which reflect the importance of each category in the final computation of scores, namely: (1) Owed Amount – 30%, (2) History of Payments – 30%, (3) Duration of Credit Record – 15%, (4) Nature or Kinds of Credit Currently in Use – 10%, and lastly (5) Latest Credit Inquiries – 10%.

Generally, these credit bureaus calculate the debtor’s credit score using a three figure number which range from 300 up to 850. The higher the credit score, the better chance of acquiring low interest rates for the loan being applied for and a better opening for wealth accumulation.

The industry of credit-scoring has been generating different opinions and wide-spread reactions to the public. The consumers fear that credit-based rating or scoring will pose a negative impact or unjust rating to them and will affect their economic standing and other financial transactions.

Some credit bureaus justify their purpose of gathering information and making credit rating or scoring. For them, their work is to help lending businesses formulate efficient economic decisions.

Others create a distinction between the credit-based scores of insurance companies which predicts the loss of propensity and the credit scores which is simply to predict the worthiness of a certain person to pay.

A distinctive company should develop its own credit-base rating or scoring algorithm to serve better the consumers. Here are some of the strategies adopted in credit scoring:

1. Forming a Credit Assistance Group/Team – they are the quick response group that will assist consumers calling through toll-free numbers. The public would certainly like to know the effect of credit records to their application of loans, mortgage, employment and/or insurance transactions.

Also included to the team’s responsibility is the making of reports on the personal credit insurance of the consumers. This report will show the consumer’s variable score and the comparison with the aggregate scores

In addition, the team will consider previous credit records and the possible effect of extraordinary events which resulted to low scoring.

They will help the consumers by directing or referring them to the right people who will be of much help to them in taking good care of their credit problems. They will also help in correcting errors in the credit records of the concerned consumer.

2. Revising a New Method in Credit Scoring- this simplified method uses nine variables instead of the usual sixteen. Their algorithm will compute the credit scores by designating or assigning 100 as a foundation score. From these base score, they either add or minus making the range of score from 50 up to 250. The lower the score, the more desirable it is as credit scores.

3. For those consumers with no credit records or whose credit histories are lacking, they will create a program which will specifically cater to these groups of creditors to somehow uplift their credit ratings.

With the continued research and study on the needs of the consumers, these credit scoring bureaus will truly make a difference to the lending and/or insurance world.

Finding Re-Financing Information

Homeowners who are considering re-financing but are not knowledgeable about the subject have a number of options available to them for finding more accurate information regarding the types of re-financing options available as well as the ways to obtain the best available rates and tips for finding a reputable lender. This information can be obtained through a number of resources including published books, Internet websites and conversations with experts in the financial industry who specialize in the area of re-financing. All of these sources can be very helpful but there are also precautions homeowners must take when using each information source. Taking these precautions will help to ensure the homeowner is receiving accurate information.

Using Books for Research

Published books are often considered to be one of the most reliable resources for researching re-financing options. However, not all books on the subject are created useful. Readers may find some books provide a great deal of useful, current information while others books are filled with outdated information and information which is not 100% accurate.

The best way to select a book or books when researching the subject of re-financing is to start the search with books that were only recently published. This is important because the financial industry is continually evolving and as a result books which were published only a few years ago may already be considered out of date.

Homeowners should also seek out independent reviews when considering books on the subject of re-financing. This is important because books which consistently receive solid reviews from consumers are likely to be worthwhile. Conversely books which consistently receive negative reviews are likely to not be worthwhile. Homeowners should seek out highly recommended books while avoiding those that are not highly recommended. This may prevent the homeowner from wasting time reading books which are not informative and may even be inaccurate.

Using the Internet for Research

The Internet is another resource which can be very valuable for homeowners who are considering re-financing their home. The Internet is filled with valuable information but there is also a great deal of misinformation floating around on the Internet. Homeowners who are completely uninformed about the re-financing process may not be able to distinguish between the useful information and the misinformation. As a result these homeowners may be led astray by inaccurate information on the Internet. Homeowners who wish to avoid the potential for this problem should consider verifying the information they find online through an outside source such as a published book from a renowned author or by conferring with an expert in the subject of re-financing.

Homeowners should also do the majority of their research on well established websites. This includes websites owned and operated by major lenders which have been in business for years. The information on these websites is likely to be much more up to date and accurate than websites which are created for profit by website owners.

Consulting with Re-Financing Experts

Finally, consulting with financial experts who specializes in re-financing can be very helpful for homeowners who are considering re-financing. This might be the most expensive option as many of these experts will likely charge a fee for their services but it can also be the most reliable source of information.

There are a number of advantages to consulting with an industry professional as opposed to researching the subject independently through published resources. The most significant advantage is the ability to ask questions throughout the re-financing process. This will help to ensure the homeowner fully understands the available options. It will also help to ensure the homeowner receives the best possible re-financing option for his specific needs. The re-financing process works best when the homeowner offers their input about the type of re-financing they are seeking as well as the benefits they hope to obtain through re-financing. The re-financing expert can than make a better recommendation which will suit the homeowner’s needs.

Need Information about Credit Scores? Try going ONLINE!

The good thing about the twentieth century is the vast advancement in technology specifically with the use of computers. At this time and age, people don't have to worry about almost anything.

One can shop, do business, learn and enjoy the world, communicate with family and friends even at the opposite side of the globe, and make new acquaintances using the computer.

There is no need to leave the comforts of one's home, no need to tire and outdo oneself in borrowing references, and definitely no need to wait for long periods of time for letters and business correspondence to arrive, like knowing your recent credit score in the market.

Consumers can now just access the internet and get the latest updates on their credit reports for no fees and less effort. And a lot more can be obtained by being online.

Other related articles on credit can also be downloaded and looked into via the internet. Some of which are the following: Credit Reporting Bureaus, Guide on Credit Scoring, Credit Profiles, Inquiries on Credit Ratings, Tips on How to Improve One's Credit Score, and so on.

Through online surfing, the consumer can also be given email alerts on any alteration to his or her credit score. Their credit reports and scoring can be monitored daily by just being online everyday.

The consumer can also avail the unlimited services offered by all leading credit reporting bureaus though online. All credit reporting bureaus have their own web sites for consumers to easily locate them.

However, consumers must also be alert and check those credit reporting agencies that offer free credit reports via online. Considerations must be made before availing the services being offered by these online credit reporting agencies.

Many online credit reporting agencies who offer free credit reports and credit scores turn out to be just scams. They might put on the market your home and email address that in turn will send your home junk mails or might hack into your personal profiles online.

Others might offer you programs like free trials and after which will require you to pay for not remembering the cancellation of the program.

Consumers can look for legitimate online credit reporting bureaus which offer their services for a small fee.

They must really do a careful background checking on a target credit reporting agency so as not be lured into a hoax.

When online, consumers can readily get in touch with the concerned credit reporting agencies to make appropriate corrections on their credit score and credit reports to make sure that the creditors and lending agencies are viewing the latest payment history and most accurate personal information in your credit profile

Most lending agencies go online if they want to keep abreast with their client's credit profiles. In this manner, they can also save their resources for much bigger and important financial transactions.

Consumers who are not in a hurry to get their credit scores might just consider ordering it via the usual mail. It might take quite a long period of time, but consumers are assured that their personal records like credit reports and credit history are kept very private.

And to erase the worry of low credit scores and to avoid getting into trouble with your creditors and lending agencies, settle all your accounts on time.